As CEOs try to keep up with the fast integration of AI technologies, they’re facing a lot of different opportunities and challenges. They need to think ahead and make sure they’re doing the right thing. The CEO Digital Divide report notes that a substantial portion of CEOs either ban AI tools or secretly use them, indicating a lack of clear strategy and preparedness in AI adoption.

This is one of the main reasons we organized last week the AI in Action event in partnership with NOA, Transilvania IT Cluster and TeleportHQ and powered by AWS. The event focused on the transformative power of Generative AI for businesses and featured several insightful sessions and real-world case studies.

The event started with a general introduction to AI. Gabi Crețu highlighted that this technology was conceived as early as 1956, but has only become popular and widely used in recent years. It was noted that AI represents a significant shift in the way we do business, comparable to other general-purpose technologies in history, such as agriculture, the wheel, writing, and electricity. Here are some key highlights from the event:

AI History and Evolution

AI is not a new concept but has been developed over decades, with significant advances in speech recognition and computer vision. These technologies allow computers to see and understand their environment, convert speech to text and vice versa, and recognize sounds. Gabi focused on the fact that AI can optimise business processes, reduce costs and improve market relevance. To successfully implement AI, it is essential to use quality data. AI algorithms rely on this data to learn and adapt.

The role of AWS in AI:

Radu Dobrinescu, Partner Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS), delivered a comprehensive presentation on the role and capabilities of AWS in artificial intelligence and machine learning. He explained how AWS provides a robust platform for developing and deploying AI solutions He presented use cases such as virtual assistants and document processing, demonstrating how these technologies can increase efficiency and productivity. Radu concluded by stressing that the success of AI implementation depends on the quality of the data and the identification and development of relevant use cases.

Radu Dobrinescu

The Intelligent Virtual Assistant – Case Study

Diana Roșu and Otilia Pețu from NOA Group, alongside David Lapsanschi from evozon, showcased how chatbots accelerate financial consultancy, using a detailed case study. The NOA Chatbot, developed by the NOA team in collaboration with evozon, is an intelligent virtual assistant for tax advice and managing complex tax-related information. Using a library of well-curated and structured data, the chatbot can answer specific tax law questions and provide personalised recommendations based on clients’ data and transaction history. It provides users with quick and easy access to essential information, reducing the time needed for research, and streamlining tax advisory processes. This will help optimise and modernise NOA’s services.

NOA Group

Conversational website building is here! 

Mihai Sâmpăleanu, the CTO of TeleportHQ demonstrated an innovative app that simplifies website development through conversational AI. The platform’s main objective is to democratise the automation of the process of creating web interfaces, enabling users to create websites without writing code. By engineering the prompts, the platform allows contextual web pages to be generated in just seconds. Mihai highlighted that AI is integrated into Teleport from the start, helping to eliminate redundant work and create relevant and aesthetically pleasing content. Furthermore, the platform can generate and rephrase text and suggest layouts based on predefined components, similar to other tools like Canva and Figma. Teleport has been designed to simplify and automate the process of creating web pages, making it accessible to a wider audience and reducing the need for programming knowledge.

Mihai Sampaleanu

Support for the Business Community

Andrei Martîniuc from Transilvania IT Cluster discussed opportunities that the Technology Cluster can offer for businesses in the digital transformation space,. Some of them are: support in identifying funding sources, networking and facilitating partnerships with other companies or regional actors, or specialised courses.

Andrei Martîniuc

How can Chat Agents replace your website?

David Lapșanschi, Head of AI at evozon explored the potential of AI chat agents to replace traditional websites, highlighting their capabilities and future prospects. David outlined the various tasks that chat agents are designed to perform and how they can integrate with external systems. He highlighted the growing use of LLMs or smaller, specialised models that are orchestrated together to solve complex problems. He also emphasised the importance of moderating AI-generated content to prevent inappropriate responses and using “guardrails” to avoid dangerous advice such as investment advice.

The event concluded with a wine and networking session, allowing attendees to discuss the presentations and explore collaboration opportunities.

David Lapsanschi - AI in action

Final Thoughts:

The “AI in Action” event provided valuable insights into the practical applications of Generative AI, offering attendees actionable strategies to leverage AI in their businesses. The diverse range of speakers and case studies ensured a comprehensive understanding of AI’s potential across various industries.

If you want to make steps further in growing and modernising your business, join the AWSome Start Program, a free consulting workshop, which aims to provide valuable insights for a migration, proof of concept (POC) or to answer any other questions you might have related to the AWS cloud.