Earlier this month, a bunch of us were invited to hold a lecture for students at “Babes-Bolyai” University, as guest lecturers.
It’s the 3rd year in a row when Evozon was asked to participate in the “Verifying & validating soft systems” course. The course is part of the Informatics Bachelor curriculum. As such, our colleagues felt somehow familiar with the role of guest lecturers. It also confirmed our expertise in testing, which means a lot to us.
The class was held in English, so both Romanian & foreign students who study here by means of scholarships could attend. Altogether, the number of participants added a spark to the occasion. Our colleagues shared knowledge on automation testing, giving practical examples from their own work-experience, as well as thought-out demos.
All in all, the challenge was fun, and brainstorming for what can be done next time has already begun. More so, we took it one step further, as our colleagues are now involved in updating the course’s curriculum. They’re hoping that together with students’ input something great will come out of it.